what is Prismatic compass ?

Compass surveying is a branch of surveying in which directions of surveying lines are determined with a compass and the length of lines are measured with a tape or chain. In practice the compass is generally used to run a traverse. In surveying, "Traverse" consists of a series of straight lines connected together to form a open or a closed polygon. Methods of traversing: Depending on the type of instrument used for the measurement of angles the method of Traversing can be classified as under; 1.Chain Traverse 2.Compass Traverse. 3.Plane Table Traverse. 4.Stadia Traverse. 5.Theodolite Traverse. IN Compass Traverse the direction of the traverse lines are determined with a magnetic compass. The magnetic Compass may be "SURVEYOR COMPASS" OR "PRISMATIC COMPASS" PRISMATIC COMPASS: The prismatic compass is one of the magnetic compass in which there is a prism for taking observations. The prismatic compass is generally smaller in size than a surveyor compass. T...